
A nod to the quintessential Japanese aesthetic, Wabi Tea. Born from the idea of reshaping the traditional tea ceremony as a modern personal practice, we began with the notion of inspiration from the quintessential Japanese aesthetic; transforming the traditional tea ceremony into a contemporary, daily ritual. Wabi Tea products serve as a canvas for celebrating … Read more

Wild Health

Collaborating closely with our client, we swiftly recognized their fervent commitment to enhancing people’s well-being, empowering them to assume control of their health, and ultimately making positive transformations in their lives. Wild Health Studio’s mission centres on educating individuals about the practical application of preventive medicine in their daily routines. Our client engaged us to … Read more

Fill Up

Helping people make better food choices on-the-go with a multifaceted approach to health.  Our collaboration with Fill Up had a straightforward goal: crafting a product that’s convenient, visually appealing, and eco-friendly to cater to a diverse audience. The name, Fill Up placed us on the front foot ensuring the consumer of its exact purpose so … Read more


The concept for HRU (How Are You) spawned several years ago following the passing of HRU’s founder, Jed’s father. Jed’s experience underscored the significance of communication and the support of our social circles, sparking the idea to create a market-leading seltzer that encourages more conversation around the table. To kickstart the branding process, we established … Read more